Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Foundland Dog Crossed With St Bernard


Adapted from an illustration by Luis Royo, resin model painted with two coats of another great model as well as my husband, who Beltazor found at this link. html
I have made the female figure and he the monster and the board. Airbrush and brush painting with acrylic paint and faded with the dust.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Much Does A Rented Dress Cost?

Lock car with your car can configure prosecute

With this ruling, the Supreme Court poses another milestone towards a greater sense of civic duty in relations between citizens.
Who would not want to see in jail the driver who stops our car for over an hour, regardless of any grievance? To remove this satisfaction to many Italians it was the Supreme Court, sentenced to 30 days in jail for domestic violence that the applicant had left his car in the courtyard of the building where he lived, making so as to block the exit of the machine of another condominiums. The victim of bullying had played horn and telephone of the owner of the car parked badly, to acknowledge that judges have an illness related to stress caused by the frustration of not get away as he wanted.
The Supreme Court branded as useless the commendable effort of the defense "to show good faith that his client had failed to move the car that was in the way" despite the desperate search to find the keys " . Do not like to even the ermine of the reasons for the lack of response in responding to the demands of the lady near. The 'inertia' was due - to his say - the belief that only the husband or the father had done to inform the stakeholders of the lost keys. Stoats, but they are particularly sensitive to the issue, decide for 30 days in prison plus damages.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Best Pillow For Cervical Spondylosis


I primi giorni del mese, ho ripreso questa bella ed evanescente nebulosa ad emissione ai confini della costellazione del Perseo, la nebulosa è eccitata a splendera da una stella di 11° magnitudine avente spettro BO. L'immagine è stata eseguita nei pressi di Adrano CT a circa 800m di quota in località prato fiorito, con la CCD Orion StarShoot Pro DS Color al fuoco diretto di un rifrattore Takahashi Tsa 102 f8, su montatura Vixen Sphinx. Il risultato è la somma dei migliori 17 fotogrammi acquisiti da 10', visto che alcuni li ho dovuti scartare, a causa dell'arrivo del fumo dell'Etna, che mi ha fatto "sbandare" l'autoguida. L'elaborazione è stata eseguita con Maxim DL LE e Photoshop CS. Spero later to change the image, adding repeatedly placed in the channel H-Alpha.

Marcello AMARI