Dionisio Aguado
Dionisio Aguado (Madrid, April 8, 1784 - Madrid, 29 December 1849) was a English guitarist and composer.
After studying in Spain and have perfected the school of Francesco Moretti went to Paris where he began his career as an intense performer. His guitar skills caught the attention of several masters of the time: Gioacchino Rossini, Vincenzo Bellini and Niccolo Paganini.
was recognized as the same virtuoso Fernando Sor, who dedicated one of his most famous pieces for two guitars, Les deux amis, Op. 47.
Aguado returned to Spain as a teacher and wrote several methods for teaching instrumental technique and teaching texts. Also devised a way to increase the capacity of the sound box sound of the guitar resting on a tripod: in fact since there little contact between the body and the guitar, the harmonic case could resonate more easily. But this method was not very successful, so that was soon forgotten.
source: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionisio_Aguado
Listen to the music performed by Fabio Ardino:
op.2 Rondo No. 2 Introduction
Rondo No. 2 Rondo op.2
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Scorpio Men & Their Mistress
Duo Ardino Carando
The duo Ardino Carando offers a program of chamber music that ranges dalle musiche dell'ottocento fino ai compositori contemporanei.
Il duo ha in attivo numerosi concerti che hanno riscosso il favore da parte del pubblico e della critica.
Simona Carando, soprano biellese, nasce nel 1977.
Intraprende gli studi musicali nel 1998 all’Istituto "L. Perosi" di Biella; successivamente si dedica al canto lirico prima con la soprano Enrica Maffeo, poi Emanuela Prelle; attualmente è diplomanda e studia sotto la guida del M.° Jean Pierre Blivet (tecnica) e del M.° Achille Lampo (repertorio) all’Accademia della Voce di Torino; partecipa regolarmente a masterclass di perfezionamento in Italia e all’estero (Luciana Serra, Fusako Kondo, Monica Piccinni).
Nel 2002 graduated in Humanities at the University of Vercelli.
In the period 1999-2002 took part in the tour as a singer in the album "Impatience" (1999) group of Yo Yo Mundi Acqui the door, besides a long series of concerts throughout Italy (to be mentioned in especially the evening of June 6, 2000 in Milan with Ivano Fossati and 25 April 2001 with the participation of Dario For), to experience radio (Radio One, Radio Popolare Milano), television (RAI 3, TMC 2, Music Match) and record ( between the latter, we must remember the contribution to the compilation distributed with the magazine "Mirror" out June 10, 2000 and participation in the tribute album released to The Smiths dal settembre 2000 su scala europea).
Nell’aprile 2006 vince il II premio al concorso "Rotary per la musica" di cui è madrina Fiorenza Cossotto esibendosi al galà finale al Teatro Civico di Vercelli.
Interpreta ruoli di comprimariato in recite operistiche a Torino e a Biella (Rigoletto e Madama Butterfly), e ruoli principali in rappresentazioni operistiche in forma di concerto.
Svolge attività concertistica in veste di solista presso diverse formazioni di musica da camera, cori, orchestre d’archi e di fiati.
Svolge attività didattica in diversi istituti di formazione musicale del biellese e del vercellese.
Dal 2007 è presidente dell’Associazione culturale "Giardino dell’Arte", association whose purpose is the promotion of classical music, with particular reference to contemporary.
He has made the Italian translation of the treatise "Les voies du chant" (The way of singing) of Master blivet, published in Italy by Edizioni Omega (Turin, 2007).

Il duo ha in attivo numerosi concerti che hanno riscosso il favore da parte del pubblico e della critica.
Simona Carando, soprano biellese, nasce nel 1977.
Intraprende gli studi musicali nel 1998 all’Istituto "L. Perosi" di Biella; successivamente si dedica al canto lirico prima con la soprano Enrica Maffeo, poi Emanuela Prelle; attualmente è diplomanda e studia sotto la guida del M.° Jean Pierre Blivet (tecnica) e del M.° Achille Lampo (repertorio) all’Accademia della Voce di Torino; partecipa regolarmente a masterclass di perfezionamento in Italia e all’estero (Luciana Serra, Fusako Kondo, Monica Piccinni).
Nel 2002 graduated in Humanities at the University of Vercelli.
In the period 1999-2002 took part in the tour as a singer in the album "Impatience" (1999) group of Yo Yo Mundi Acqui the door, besides a long series of concerts throughout Italy (to be mentioned in especially the evening of June 6, 2000 in Milan with Ivano Fossati and 25 April 2001 with the participation of Dario For), to experience radio (Radio One, Radio Popolare Milano), television (RAI 3, TMC 2, Music Match) and record ( between the latter, we must remember the contribution to the compilation distributed with the magazine "Mirror" out June 10, 2000 and participation in the tribute album released to The Smiths dal settembre 2000 su scala europea).
Nell’aprile 2006 vince il II premio al concorso "Rotary per la musica" di cui è madrina Fiorenza Cossotto esibendosi al galà finale al Teatro Civico di Vercelli.
Interpreta ruoli di comprimariato in recite operistiche a Torino e a Biella (Rigoletto e Madama Butterfly), e ruoli principali in rappresentazioni operistiche in forma di concerto.
Svolge attività concertistica in veste di solista presso diverse formazioni di musica da camera, cori, orchestre d’archi e di fiati.
Svolge attività didattica in diversi istituti di formazione musicale del biellese e del vercellese.
Dal 2007 è presidente dell’Associazione culturale "Giardino dell’Arte", association whose purpose is the promotion of classical music, with particular reference to contemporary.
He has made the Italian translation of the treatise "Les voies du chant" (The way of singing) of Master blivet, published in Italy by Edizioni Omega (Turin, 2007).
Where Can I Buy Zero Flame Overalls In Sa?
Quartetto Perlage
Perlage The Quartet was founded in 2004 by a group of flute, (Fulvio Angelini) soprano (Simona Carando) and two guitars (Fabio and Valeria Ubertino Ardino). The resulting sound resulting from this unusual organic is mainly the fascinating game of exchanges between flute and melodic voice backed by the harmony of the guitars, but not only at different times of the guitars carry the melody and duet between them.
Inside the concert, the group experiments with different tonal possibilities of staff by reducing or varying combinations of instruments: the quartet becomes a duo or trio, depending on the needs of the song, thus creating different atmospheres all equally valuable and fascinating.
The group offers a program whose peculiarity is the discovery and careful interpretation of a repertoire drawn from the production of important contemporary authors including H. Villa Lobos, Castelnuovo M. German, A. Gilardino, (...).
The group also proposes an original interpretation of some of Bach's compositions taken from the art of escape, for the first time performed by this type of training.
Perlage The Quartet was founded in 2004 by a group of flute, (Fulvio Angelini) soprano (Simona Carando) and two guitars (Fabio and Valeria Ubertino Ardino). The resulting sound resulting from this unusual organic is mainly the fascinating game of exchanges between flute and melodic voice backed by the harmony of the guitars, but not only at different times of the guitars carry the melody and duet between them.
Inside the concert, the group experiments with different tonal possibilities of staff by reducing or varying combinations of instruments: the quartet becomes a duo or trio, depending on the needs of the song, thus creating different atmospheres all equally valuable and fascinating.
The group offers a program whose peculiarity is the discovery and careful interpretation of a repertoire drawn from the production of important contemporary authors including H. Villa Lobos, Castelnuovo M. German, A. Gilardino, (...).
The group also proposes an original interpretation of some of Bach's compositions taken from the art of escape, for the first time performed by this type of training.
Sample Letter On Telephone
Quartet beading.
Duo soprano voice and guitar
Il duo Ardino Carando propone un programma di musiche da camera che spazia dalle musiche dell'ottocento fino ai compositori contemporanei.
Il dua ha in attivo numerosi concerti che hanno riscosso il favore da parte del pubblico e della critica.
The Quartet Perlage nascenel 2004 by a group of flute, (Fulvio Angelini)
soprano voice (Simona Carando) and two guitars (Fabio and Valeria Ubertino Ardino). The resulting sound resulting from this unusual organic
is mainly the fascinating game of exchanges between flute and melodic voice
supported by the harmony of the guitars, but not only at different times of the guitars and melodies
perform the duet between them.
Inside the concert, the group experiments with different tonal possibilities
plan reducing or varying combinations of instruments: the quartet becomes
duo or trio, depending on the needs of the song, thus creating different atmospheres
all equally valuable and fascinating.
The group offers a program whose peculiarity is the discovery and careful
interpretation of a repertoire drawn from the production of valid
contemporary authors including H. Villa Lobos, Castelnuovo M. German, A. Gilardino, (... ).
The group also proposes an original interpretation of some of Bach's compositions taken from the art of escape, for the first time performed by this type of training.
soprano voice (Simona Carando) and two guitars (Fabio and Valeria Ubertino Ardino). The resulting sound resulting from this unusual organic
is mainly the fascinating game of exchanges between flute and melodic voice
supported by the harmony of the guitars, but not only at different times of the guitars and melodies
perform the duet between them.
Inside the concert, the group experiments with different tonal possibilities
plan reducing or varying combinations of instruments: the quartet becomes
duo or trio, depending on the needs of the song, thus creating different atmospheres
all equally valuable and fascinating.
The group offers a program whose peculiarity is the discovery and careful
interpretation of a repertoire drawn from the production of valid
contemporary authors including H. Villa Lobos, Castelnuovo M. German, A. Gilardino, (... ).
The group also proposes an original interpretation of some of Bach's compositions taken from the art of escape, for the first time performed by this type of training.

Il duo Ardino Carando propone un programma di musiche da camera che spazia dalle musiche dell'ottocento fino ai compositori contemporanei.
Il dua ha in attivo numerosi concerti che hanno riscosso il favore da parte del pubblico e della critica.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Scorpio Guys Mistress
Curriculum Vitae English
Fabio Ardino, a native of Calabria, Italy (Villa San Giovanni) was born in 1973.
Mr Ardino has studied with Luigi Biscaldi and graduated in 1997 at the State Conservatory “Antonio Vivaldi” in Alessandria.
Subsequently he has studied with Angelo Gilardino at the International Superior Accademy “Lorenzo Perosi” in Biella where he recevied a post graduated diploma with the score of excellence, and attend seminars and course with Angelo Gilardino, Luigi Biscaldi and Tilman Hoppstock.
He has studied composition at the State Conservatory “Giuseppe Verdi” in Milano with Sandro Gorli.
He received a Berben award with a scholarship and was been a top prize winner in the “Luigi Arditi” international music competition on 2000, the top prize winner in the “italian festival” of Alice Bel Colle (AL) on 2002, and third prize in the international competition of Lagonegro (PZ) on 2004.
He is an active concert player and a teacher.

Fabio Ardino, a native of Calabria, Italy (Villa San Giovanni) was born in 1973.
Mr Ardino has studied with Luigi Biscaldi and graduated in 1997 at the State Conservatory “Antonio Vivaldi” in Alessandria.
Subsequently he has studied with Angelo Gilardino at the International Superior Accademy “Lorenzo Perosi” in Biella where he recevied a post graduated diploma with the score of excellence, and attend seminars and course with Angelo Gilardino, Luigi Biscaldi and Tilman Hoppstock.
He has studied composition at the State Conservatory “Giuseppe Verdi” in Milano with Sandro Gorli.
He received a Berben award with a scholarship and was been a top prize winner in the “Luigi Arditi” international music competition on 2000, the top prize winner in the “italian festival” of Alice Bel Colle (AL) on 2002, and third prize in the international competition of Lagonegro (PZ) on 2004.
He is an active concert player and a teacher.
How Much Energy Does A Pedestal Fan Use
Curriculum Vitae Italiano
Fabio Ardino è nato nel 1973 a Villa S.Giovanni (RC).
Ha studiato chitarra con il M.° Luigi Biscaldi, diplomandosi nel 1997 al Conservatorio “Antonio Vivaldi” di Alessandria.
Si è diplomato nel 2000 all’Accademia Internazionale di perfezionamento “Lorenzo Perosi” di Biella, sotto la guida del M.° Angelo Gilardino, con il giudizio di eccellente.
Partecipa stabilmente ai corsi di perfezionamento tenuti dal M.° A. Gilardino, L. Biscaldi, Tilmann Hoppstock, che si svolgono annualmente.
Ha studiato composizione al Conservatorio “Giuseppe Verdi” di Milano con il M.° Sandro Gorli.
Nel 1996 è stato premiato dalla casa editrice Berben di Ancona, con una borsa di studio destinata ai giovani concertisti ed agli studenti più meritevoli.
Ha vinto il secondo prize, first awarded to non-international competition organized by the Academy "Luigi Arditi, 2000 edition.
Winner of second prize, with first vacant, the international competition "Italian festivals, international music competition", by Alice Bel Colle (AL), in the 2002 edition.
finalist at the "Luigi Nono" in Venaria Reale (TO).
Winner of the third prize at the International Lagonegro (PZ) XIX edition, 2004.
Since 2007, alongside the Master Louis Biscaldi as a lecturer in summer courses to advanced guitar.
He performs as a soloist and performing in music ensembles da camera e attività didattica come insegnante di chitarra nelle scuole ad indirizzo musicale sia pubbliche che private.

Fabio Ardino è nato nel 1973 a Villa S.Giovanni (RC).
Ha studiato chitarra con il M.° Luigi Biscaldi, diplomandosi nel 1997 al Conservatorio “Antonio Vivaldi” di Alessandria.
Si è diplomato nel 2000 all’Accademia Internazionale di perfezionamento “Lorenzo Perosi” di Biella, sotto la guida del M.° Angelo Gilardino, con il giudizio di eccellente.
Partecipa stabilmente ai corsi di perfezionamento tenuti dal M.° A. Gilardino, L. Biscaldi, Tilmann Hoppstock, che si svolgono annualmente.
Ha studiato composizione al Conservatorio “Giuseppe Verdi” di Milano con il M.° Sandro Gorli.
Nel 1996 è stato premiato dalla casa editrice Berben di Ancona, con una borsa di studio destinata ai giovani concertisti ed agli studenti più meritevoli.
Ha vinto il secondo prize, first awarded to non-international competition organized by the Academy "Luigi Arditi, 2000 edition.
Winner of second prize, with first vacant, the international competition "Italian festivals, international music competition", by Alice Bel Colle (AL), in the 2002 edition.
finalist at the "Luigi Nono" in Venaria Reale (TO).
Winner of the third prize at the International Lagonegro (PZ) XIX edition, 2004.
Since 2007, alongside the Master Louis Biscaldi as a lecturer in summer courses to advanced guitar.
He performs as a soloist and performing in music ensembles da camera e attività didattica come insegnante di chitarra nelle scuole ad indirizzo musicale sia pubbliche che private.
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