Associazione "Giardino dell'Arte" Garden Art Cultural Association
Pavignano Biella, via two Ubertalli
ASSOCIATION CULTURAL GARDEN ART was founded in February 2007 by a group of passionate musicians Biella . Lo scopo principale dell’Associazione è l’ampliamento e la diffusione della cultura della musica colta, con particolare riguardo per la produzione dei più accreditati autori contemporanei. L’Associazione si pone quindi come luogo di incontro e punto di riferimento per quanti considerano la cultura musicale ed artistica un alto valore sociale ed un bene per la persona. Si fa promotrice ed organizzatrice di eventi e attività didattiche che hanno continuità nel tempo; in concreto ha all’attivo le seguenti attività:
corso di perfezionamento chitarristico. Si svolge con cadenza annuale nel mese di luglio presso la località montana di Bielmonte. E’ rivolto agli studenti di Conservatorio e ai concertisti diplomati who want to deepen the study of the guitar from the technical, interpretative and philological under the guidance of renowned faculty recognized as the Maestro and Maestro Luigi Biscaldi Fabio Ardino. This course is a continuation of the historic master classes called "Vacation guitar" held for 33 years by Maestro Angelo Gilardino.
music courses Gaglianico (Bi). Take place during the school year from October to May on a weekly basis at the premises made available by the City of Gaglianico they sponsored. Are meant primarily for children of elementary and middle school. Seek rapprochement with the smaller universe of music, but many of the members are aged between 18 and 35.
concert seasons of the Commune of Biella. Since its establishment, the town of Biella commissioned by the Association of classical music concerts to be included within the two largest billboards in the city (Biella Summer, Christmas in the city). In these concerts they have performed as soloists: Vallotti String Quartet, string quartet of the orchestra of the University of Turin, Linda Hoxha, Fabio Ardino, Angelo Marchese.
occasional collaborations with mainstream care. The Association also organizes musical events, lectures, concerts and / or moments of entertainment in collaboration with kindergartens, nursery schools, nursing homes and mental health centers. The encounter with the music created live and up close dialogue with the performers and fans stimulates the otherwise untapped potential in the child and gives relief to those who are disadvantaged due to poor health.
search of commissions among the arts. The Association is promoting research on expressions of experimental art, such as the combination of live music and dance, music and literature, music and visual arts. Currently, these experiences are under development.