Test Orion StarShoot Pro DS Color 6,1mpx
some time in possession of this new cooled CCD camera, which has a nice shape to plate light enough, but with a diameter of about 700 grams a bit high, about 16 cm, very well made and nose with removable 2 ". Features a 6.1-megapixel Sony sensor in color, exactly one SuperHAD ICX413AQ Color 1.8" X 2016 pixels by 3032 from 7.8 microns per side, cooled Peltier cell with about - 30 degrees below the ambient temperature (temperature not be changed). Mount a analog / digital converter with 16-bit anti-blooming. From my various tests, I have found great ease of use, comparable to a DSLR, which it resumed operation, but with the advantage of 16-bit and cooling and why not, the use of a cable less than that never hurts. Is supplied with an excellent Essential Maxim, which acts as the elder brother DL, but with visible data on one screen, even if a bit small to read, but easier to use. This CCD is very effective (as the graph by the manufacturer) channels in the B and R in my opinion beyond the sensitivity provided by the various DSLR, visible on the images of this blog. Another advantage of this room is the field of view, which is larger than the common APS-C sensors, taking sides with 23.4 x 15.6 mounted in the vertical CCD. This arrangement of the sensor involves the use of software aligning and stacking images DeepSkyStacker, use of images of room set-Fits "generic RGGB. One of the biggest problems I had during the early stages of use is linked to the loud noise that had once reached it processes, making me think that this CCD was much louder than a CMOS DSLR. Not so, the problem was linked to two important factors, neglected by me in the beginning. With 15 minutes of installation, appeared over the background noise of the vertical lines, which at the moment made me think of a problem of the room, but then I realized that driving the CCD used, or a MagZero Mz5m, adversely to the room elttromagnetico disorder problems, easily solved by applying to the cable on both ends of the ferrite cores, readily available at electronics stores for a few euro. The most serious problem I had submitted, or the loud noise, did not depend on the CCD, but rather the speed of downloads to the PC, because my computer has a slow graphics card and can not digest easily received data. This problem is easily solved by changing the screen Maxim Essential with the Setup button, the download speed, set the house on the value 5. The value can be changed between 1 and 8, where 8 is the maximum speed, but it creates serious problems of noise and image lines, but can be beneficial to the focus by reducing the waiting time between shots and the ' another, while a rate of 1 or 2 drastically reduces the download speed, but returns immagini perfette, prive di rumore( queste impostazioni dipendono molto dalla velocità del processore del PC utilizzato). Io su questa CCD ho cambiato il cavo USB 2.0 originale, perche ha una lunghezza di soli 3 metri, con uno più lungo di 5 metri. Attenzione la casa dichiara, che un cavo di oltre 6 metri introduce problemi di download. Quanto all'alimentazione, la camera ha di serie un cavo lunghissimo (circa 8 metri) con presa accendisigari, da collegare ad una presa con centrale positivo a 12V ( dati dichiarati da 8VDC a 13.8VDC ) per un consumo dichiarato di circa 1A, che ho riscontrato essere leggermente più alto, intorno 1,5/2A.
Marcello AMARI