Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Indentations On Face

Nebulosa Velo NGC6960

This image of NGC6960 Veil Nebula was taken from my observatory ultra plagued by light pollution and problems with their slow focuser, which I realized only after recovery. The Velo is located in the constellation Cygnus, was taken with the Orion Starshoot DS Color Pro running 18 shots from 10 ', then processed with Maxim LE and Photoshop CS. At first I tried to remove the gradients with GradientXterminator, but returned very strange picture of the parties and without nebular weak, so I removed manually using Photoshop gradients.

Marcello AMARI

Monday, July 19, 2010

How To Get Rid Of A Breakout From Waxing

NGC 6820 New

Image of storage and NGC6820 open cluster NGC 6823, taken from Nicolosi (Sicily) in July 2010, DS Pro Color CCD Orion Starshoot fire a Newton 254 / paved with Baader Planetarium MPCC 1200, adding the best 15 frame 10 '. Were used for processing Maxim and Photoshop LE. The nebula is located in the constellation Vulpecula, and is seen almost exclusively in photography, the latter being very weak.
I have already taken up this subject in the past with a 102mm Takahashi TSA and excellent sky, now I wanted to test more than twice the diameter of the pipe under a sky newton very polluted and filtered by a filter against Hutech IL.

Marcello AMARI

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Make Baby Carriage Diaper Cake

Largo campo su M57

Image taken from my observatory, with Newton and Sky Watcher 254/1200 starshoot Pro CCD Orion DS Color, without the use of filters against the IL. Sum of the best 15 frames from 8 ', developed Maxim LE, LE and PixInsight Potoshop.
This Planetary Nebula is located in the constellation Lyra led by the bright Vega.

Marcello AMARI

Roland Microcube Settings

IC4954 largo campo

On the web I found many images of IC4954 and this has stimulated the search for this item. 09.07.2010 So from my home observatory, I got this faint nebula surrounded by a beautiful star field with the SW Newton 254/1200 using a CCD Orion Starshoot Pro Color DS, which has given me a wide field of view and no matter how small offered a fairly detailed listing. The result is the sum of 13 frames to 10 ', taken with the aid of a filter against Hutech IL, processed with Maxim LE, Pixinsiht LE and Photoshop.
Nebula with open cluster, located in the constellation Vulpecula, near the Swan.

Marcello AMARI.