Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Corrigan Brent Everett


in the constellation of the Snake I took the M16 called the Eagle Nebula. Yes tratta di una nebulosa ad emissione molto luminosa immersa in un ammasso aperto. L'immagine è stata ripresa dai Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia) il 06.09.2010, in condizioni di tempo parzialmente buono per la metà della ripresa e l'altro rovinato dalla forte umidità che mi ha fatto scartare numerose immagini. Il risultato è la somma dei migliori 13 fotogrammi da 10', elaborati con Maxim DL e Photoshop.

Marcello AMARI

What To Say When Someone Has A Baby

Foreigners regularly and permanently in the territory should be recognized the carer's allowance if the requisites

Court of Ivrea, No decision March 3, 2010 26.

the applicant's request is based, non-EU citizens resident in Italian territory for more than five years, to see established and recognized the right to backdating an attendance allowance from the month following the submission of the application, due to the recognition of the existence of health requirements required for that purpose by the medical committee, and consequently declare the illegality of the measure that the INPS has made the payment as of provision in question until the day after he has obtained permanent residence card issued by the municipality on the assumption of at least five years residence in the country.

The national work of the ordinary court of Ivrea, in 26/2010 ruling, stated that, pursuant to Article 19 of Legislative Decree 30/2007, are entitled to payment of compensation to accompany all EU citizens residing in the Italian territory, starting from three months to stay on. In this way we wanted riconoscere il diritto in questione a tutti i cittadini che non siano entrati in maniera transitoria nel Paese, grazie al permesso di soggiorno, ma abbiano un legale di maggiore stabilità con il territorio, stabilità che può ritenersi raggiunta anche nel caso in cui il soggiorno sia protratto per poco più di tre mesi.
In conclusione, agli stranieri titolari di carta di soggiorno o di permesso di soggiorno ed ai minori iscritti nei medesimi documenti, vanno riconosciuti gli stessi diritti dei cittadini italiani cui devono ritenersi equiparati, ai fini della fruizione delle provvidenze e delle prestazioni economiche ed assistenziali. L'indennità di accompagnamento rientra, infatti, in tutte quelle prestazioni obbligatoriamente recognized on the basis of specific assumptions, to anyone who is lawfully present in a stable manner in the Italian territory.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Online Episodes Of Kutumb 1

Attention guys! A rejection could cost the loss of maintenance ... The tax notice

Can a parent remove the child support to his son because of yet another failure at school? The Public Prosecutor of Busto Arsizio rejected the complaint made against a parent. His crime: he had closed the purse to push his son to study.

studied or not I'll go out for a month. This time the rejection has cost far more than a period of "imprisonment" in-house or non-purchase of a scooter. Roberto, 19, studied at a technical institute in Gallarate. In front the second rejection of his father, separated from its mother, there has seen and decided to suspend the child support of 1000 € per month. For this reason the guy decided to denounce the criminal father.


The prosecutor of Busto Arsizio, however, held that no grounds for pursuing the complaint. In its decision the Human pm Luca Gaglio has identified the desire to help the child to mature and not to avoid the obligations imposed by law. The decision of the father, a businessman, was announced in a letter sent to his son during the school year, when the horizon began to rejection. Find a job, he would recommend his father. A decision in conflict with other decisions of the recent past in which the courts had established the right to maintain beyond the age of majority. Store hours will be up to the investigating judge definitively the case. The matter will, however, because at the civil obligations decided by the decision of marriage, neither party can withdraw unilaterally. And who knows that before a formal commitment of the boy's father decides to retrace his steps.

- for further information on the thematic area of \u200b\u200bfamily law visit: Separation, Divorce and Family

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Do Stds Look Like

Ithandir bust 1/10

fantasy bust in resin, 1 / 10 scale.
brush-painted with acrylic colors Phebeo Americana: faded with dust and ink washes.
The first model to the realization of this kind, a very instructive in terms of painting techniques, and great fun staff!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Portrait Of Lady In Red Dress Dancing With A Man

notified directly by registered

Con la sentenza n. 909/05/09 del 23 ottobre scorso, la Commissione tributaria provinciale di Lecce ha affermato che è inesistente la notifica a mezzo posta degli atti di Equitalia eseguita direttamente e non tramite agente all’uopo abilitato. E' inesistente la cartella esattoriale notificata da Equitalia a mezzo di raccomandata!
La vicenda trae origine dall’omesso versamento d’imposte (IVA, IRPEF e IRAP), contestato a un contribuente da parte dell’Amministrazione finanziaria. Essendo decorsi gli ordinari termini per il pagamento del richiesto, il Concessionario iscrive a ruolo il debito tributario e, successivamente, decorsi gli ordinari prescribed by law to register mortgaged property of the taxpayer, pursuant to art. 77, Presidential Decree No. 602/73. Such registration, ruled illegal by the same taxpayer, is this timely appeal.

The taxpayer, on appeal, as well as to question the lawfulness of the mortgage, questions the absence of notification of the measure, as this has not been notified by the notifier enabled and authorized agent.

In fact, although the art. 26, paragraph 1, DPR Sept. 29, 1973, No 602, entitled "Notification of payment forms, including the possibility for the agents of the collection, to register their documents by post by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, it, however, specifically identifies as agents notify the officers of collection or other persons authorized by the licensee in the manner prescribed by law or, subject to any agreement between the municipality and the concessionaire, the messengers or agents of the municipal police. According to art. 26, paragraph 1, quoted, therefore, according to the taxpayer, the service must always be made by an agent authorized notifier, which can also make use of the postal service, and are certainly illegal in the notices served by post directly and not through duly authorized agent. However, since in the case at issue, the conditions of art. 26 cited. have not been met, the taxpayer contends that there was no notification of the contested measure.

against that exception, then, the Agent of the collection, to support the legitimacy of its actions, call, however, only the second period of the said Article. 26, first paragraph, which states that "the notification can also be done by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt".

However, according to the opinion of the Commission before it, while the first sentence of paragraph 1 of art. 26 merely to identify - with a listing mandatory - the entities with a legitimate enforcement of the notification, the second period paragraph 1 would indicate the way in which the person referred to in the preceding period can run it. In practice, while remaining firm authorized entities, these, in turn, rather than directly, they may have recourse to the postal service for the service of documents.

For this reason, therefore, the Tax Commission, accepting the allegations of the taxpayer, as in the case at issue are not complied with the strict conditions of Article. 26 cited. Declaring that the notification of the decision legally non-existent.

However, in light of the statement, noting that it can be concluded, first, the decision of the CTP Lecce No 909/05/09 on 23 October scorso, risulta innovativa su un tema delicato qual è per l’appunto quello delle notifiche e, nello specifico di quelle a mezzo posta, colmo di incertezze, come da ultimo statuito dalla Suprema Corte di Cassazione, con le sentenze n. 9493 e n. 9377 del 2009, che tuttavia hanno affrontato l’argomento relativamente all’aspetto oggettivo e non, come nel caso de quo, soggettivo.

Ancor più importanti, infine, sono gli effetti che la sentenza in commento, laddove confermata dai giudici di grado superiore, potrebbe produrre nei confronti dell’Agente della riscossione, che, in ragione di tale pronuncia, assisterebbe alla dichiarazione d’inesistenza di tutte le notifiche, relative ai suoi atti, eseguite by post and not directly from person duly authorized as required by regulation, though they can pay the costs, as is the case in question. (Lecce Provincial Tax Commission, Judgement, Sec. V, 16/11/2009, No. 909)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Kim Kardashian Bedroom

IC 1805 Nebulosa Cuore

Immagine dell'ammasso aperto con nebulosa ad emissione IC1805 in Cassiopea. La foto è stata realizzata dai Monti Nebrodi ( Sicilia ), il 06.09.2010 con una CCD Orion Starshoot Pro DS Color al fuoco diretto di un rifrattore apocromatico, Takahashi TSA 102 on Vixen Sphinx mount. The result is the sum of 20 exposures of 10 ', processed with Maxim DL and Photoshop.

Marcello AMARI

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rugrats & Wild Thornberrys Game

Clarity is nothing on the strike of the pharmacies in indirect assistance

Dear readers,
; to my chagrin, I find myself having to cope with the strike organized by Federfarma that since last September 6 plaguing Naples with the serious danger of spreading even further in Campania. The need for this article comes from warnings need to help make a bit of clarity in a situation of absolute chaos caused by the exceptional situation of insolvency ASL Naples against pharmacies and, above all, the incredible lack of news spread (absolute indifference to the problem of national and local media) in the face of such a serious problem which, incidentally, is to tear down part of the population weaker and in need of care.

This type of strike will pass the pharmacy Neapolitan from the system of direct assistance, normally provided for loanable drugs, allowing patients fitted with a prescription to receive their drugs at no cost - is the same ASL to repay then the pharmaceutical industry - to a system of care indirect, which will last until October 10 next year, according to which patients fitted with a prescription will have to pay out of their pockets the drugs, though loanable. However, pursuant to Resolution No. The 3731 Meeting of December 19, 2003 of the Regional Committee of the Region Cmapania, pharmacies will continue to provide direct care to patients in those drugs deemed "life saving" as indicated found in the list and you can download at the following link : . They will also regularly released foods and celiac neuropathy patients, as well as aids for self-control of diabetes . It should not be forgotten, however, that under the current system and exceptional support indirect, in any case, who, armed with a prescription, buy drugs were not loanable life-saving must pay at the time yes, but the right to ask, then, the reimbursement ASL depositing the appropriate application which can be downloaded at the following link: 20of% 20Rimborso % 20.pdf.

I hope, with this article, that it had somehow to those who should receive assistance from inconvenience this unfortunate state of affairs.

John D'Ambrosio

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How Much Is Jon Cryer Paid Per Episode

Even with harassment via Facebook, you can configure the crime of "stalking"

to the Supreme Court also sent threatening messages via Facebook help in identifying those who commit the crime of "stalking". The Criminal Division VI has confirmed a pre-trial detention under house arrest, ordered by a court of power, against of a boy accused of "stalking" (stalking) against the ex-girlfriend.

Supreme Court - Criminal Section VI - Case No. 30 August 2010 32,404

"continued incidents of harassment, consisted of phone calls, sending SMS messages via email and Facebook, where she also worked in the office" had led the court in February 2010 to provide Lagonegro on remand in prison for man after girl's complaint. In reform of the measure, then, the court of power had turned the prison into house arrest. The lover, not resigned, had also threatened the new partner of the former send pictures of his previous sexual relationship.

vain the suspect had recourse to the Supreme Court against the order of the court's power: the supreme court, in the sentence no 32404, confirmed the decision considering such conduct "threatening and harassing" and "serious indications of guilt" even messages on Facebook, that the victim had created "a mood of deep fear and discomfort as a result of the harassment suffered."

For further details and download the full decision see the following link:

- for further information on the thematic area of \u200b\u200bfamily law visit: Separation, Divorce and Family

Monday, September 6, 2010

Whitening Creams From Dubai

Noel 1/6

Model Scale 1 / 6 purchased from the E2046, an excellent achievement.
Painting brush with acrylics Warpaint, Citadel, Phebeo.
blended with pigments.
Yamashita I love all the kits, but Noel is a real gem in my opinion, for beauty and sculpture kit recommended for beginners because it is composed of very few pieces.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Uniformed Nadine Jansen

Suginto SD from rozen maiden

Model on commission, to be mounted in resin and paint purchased on E2046. Painting with acrylics
Citadel, is devoid of nuance as required dall'aquirente.
A really nice person that surprised me a lot of fun to make!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Letter Of Job Reinstatement

Failure marriage ...

whale ... always thought, almost like a flight of fancy, whether it is possible or not in some way be reimbursed for costs incurred in the preparation, take back the gifts made pursuant to or in view of the official engagement ceremony, or be compensated for damages suffered due to non-wedding. Well, in some cases, the law gives the groom (or bride) the ability to retrieve the gifts given or received compensation in order to restore the status quo ante and be able to turn their backs with the least amount of damage to their unfortunate history.
In reality, though there is an obvious fault of the other, the hapless boyfriend will never receive a full refund for the payments or the effettutati full compensation for all damage and inconvenience. The predominant reason certainly is that our system can not in any way to compress the individual's basic right to be free to refuse to marry until the last minute. Make it unduly burdensome for such denial to the point of all this Restu that you received and to make good any damage would be to compress it at all. For this purpose the legislature intended to provide exhaustive as the only form of recovery and relief of those Articles. 80 and 81 cc.
Article. 80 CC provides for the return of gifts made in case of non-marriage and is now clear that taking the time from which those rights is the "official engagement" with which the engaged publicly express their serious intention to take then a path that makes them ripe for the wedding. So just from that moment, a rupture of the pairs, each may request the return of gifts made to the other, but, mind you, only those who could not find other plausible justification outside of marriage.
Article. 81 cc, however, also provides a right to compensation for damages, but in order to be applied requires a real "marriage promises" made by notarial act or deed by a person who has the capacity to contract marriage . In order to be applied, provided that there is either a lack of good reasons not to contract by one of the promisor or any of them, his own fault, has yielded good reasons to discard another. In such cases, the damage is reparable within the limit in which the costs and obligations correspond to the condition of the parties.
Therefore, we conclude that there is a kind of relief provided by our system to miss the wedding, but it has neither a contractual nature, nor non-contractual and is only a particular form of reparation directly linked by law to break the engagement without due reason.
For further details I refer the following link: .
Chambers. John D'Ambrosio

- for insights on the issue in family law visit: Separation, Divorce and Family

Thursday, September 2, 2010

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Clarifications on administrative detention "duties"

and the Ministry of the Interior, with its circular dated 01.25.2008 No m/6326150, we clarify - in my opinion, a duty - that the driver who drives a vehicle subject to tax will still apply only to an administrative penalty.
Ministry with this circular explains that the firm tax does not represent "a real breach of the rules of the road but in a measure provided security for a debt."
The same attorney general of the State points out that in case of violation of the tax must still be high only the fine "without impounding the vehicle."
Then the statement, the collection will be sent to the dealer that the detaining tax in order to allow the seizure of the vehicle.

Here is the full circular callback

"Ministry of the Interior
m/6326150 Circular of January 25, 2008
Prot No M/6326150-2l
Rome, January 25, 2008 No
Herds 2

Central Directorate for Road Police Station, Communications and the Special Forces of the State Police WITHIN
and, for information:

SUBJECT: administrative detention of movable property registered under art. 86 of DPR 602/73 and subsequent application of Article. 214, paragraph 8 of the Decree. No 285/92 (Highway Code).

a note dated October 17 last, which is attached a copy, this Office has submitted to the State Attorney General's concerns and questions raised with regard to the provisions set out in the object.
In particular, it is requested to resolve the statutory interpretation disputes, which arose with the Inland Revenue, in order to identify the competent authority to impose the penalties provided in conjunction with art. 86, para 3, presidential decree No. 602/1973 and art. 214, paragraph 8, of Legislative Decree no. 285/1992. As is known, Chapter III of Decree 602/1973 lays down rules details relating to expropriation of property registered, ruling art. 86, paragraph 3, that "anyone traveling in vehicles ...... detention and subject to the penalty provided for in art. 214, paragraph 8, of Legislative Decree April 30, 1992, No. 285." In turn, the said Article provides the rules of the road states that "anyone using a vehicle subject to administrative detention," notwithstanding the application of criminal penalties for violation of the obligations on the part of the caretaker, is subject to administrative penalty of payment of a sum of € 656.00 to € 2628.00. E 'willing, also, the confiscation of the vehicle ".
In the absence of specific indications, has repeatedly occurred that the police, when verifying the violation, they ordered the seizure of the vehicle, pursuant to art. 213, D. Leg. 285/1992, and have submitted their reports to the prefectures, in the mistaken assumption that, since the penalties provided by the Highway Code, was the Prefect of the competent authority to take the measure scalers.
In fact, this Administration believes that there are grounds to suggest that the Prefect of the power to impose sanctions for breaches of the ban on movement of vehicles subject to stop "tax" was not a genuine violation of the rules the highway code, but a measure introduced to ensure di un credito.
In data 6 dicembre u.s., l'Avvocatura Generale, auspicando comunque un intervento normativo che riordini la materia particolarmente complessa, si è espressa sulla questione.
In proposito, l'Organo legale sostiene che, nel caso di accertamento della violazione del combinato disposto dell'art. 86, comma 3, del D.P.R. n. 602/73 con l'art. 214, comma 8 del C.d.s, gli organi di polizia debbano elevare verbale di contestazione, applicando la sola sanzione pecuniaria, senza procedere al sequestro del veicolo. Gli stessi devono poi trasmettere il verbale di accertamento della violazione al concessionario della riscossione che ha disposto il c.d. "fermo fiscale", al fine di consentire il pignoramento del veicolo. In any case competent to assess any claims of merit is the Prefect.
orientation so expressed, albeit based on arguments not entirely peaceful, however, resolved, definitively, questions and doubts about the application of the accessory penalty of forfeiture, as provided by the recent amendment of Art. 214, paragraph 8, the Security Council, in the event of a breach of Article. 86, paragraph 3 of Decree 602/73.
the light of the circumstances, it is considered appropriate to bring the activity to sanction Attorney General's Opinion.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

80's Aerobics Costumes

Driving drunk could cost the seizure of the car lease

ruling: Cour de cassation No. 10688/2010, filed March 18, 2010. The car

conduct while intoxicated can be arrested - with a view to confiscation - even if it is leased, and therefore does not belong to the driver. The Fourth Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court (Case 10688/2010, filed March 18, 2010) extends the scope of further punitive confiscation as a penalty for those caught drunk behind the wheel, confirming the divestment of an Audi Q7 stopped at a road check on June 10 Subject to last.
The lower courts had had no hesitation in place and then maintain the seizure: the decision of the magistrate was associated with a few weeks after the Court of Review, which had rejected the defense argument that the vehicle was registered to third parties (the leasing company, in fact), and that the danger in delay (ie the risk of new violations of Article 186 of the Rules of the road) would be neutralized by the suspension driver's license.
The Supreme Court, in synthetic reasons for rejecting the further appeal, said that the property held under lease "belongs to the entity to which it was given the availability of material goods themselves, and even if it is not" property "This was like her a lot because it is in fact a" right to enjoy the good, on the basis of evidence which excludes the third. "
Thus, "the apparent legality of the seizure of a vehicle whose driver caught driving under the influence (...) they have availability under a lease." The same danger in delay of recurrence can be guaranteed only by the seizure, since the license suspension is a measure, by its very nature, temporary. Regarding the rights of the leasing company, the car is only release from seizure in front of the demonstration of the termination of the lease.
The ruling of March 18, then confirm a line of rigor in applying the confiscation of the vehicle, the security package introduced in 2008 (DL 92/08) for cases più gravi di ebbrezza (articolo 186 del Codice della strada) e per la guida sotto l'effetto di stupefacenti (articolo 187). La confisca crea una serie di problemi visto che, per principio generale, non può scattare quando la circolazione del veicolo avviene contro la volontà del proprietario o quando questi è comunque estraneo all'infrazione, che accade quando il mezzo è intestato a soggetto diverso dal conducente. È il caso non solo di leasing e noleggio, ma anche della cointestazione. Sotto questo profilo, si sono lette sentenze molto garantiste, come quella che un anno fa a Bologna escluse la confiscabilità solo perché il trasgressore era in comunione di beni con la moglie (in questo caso, la comproprietà esiste per law). But the Supreme Court now seems to have taken a far more restrictive.
This became a ruling from the 45,938 of 1 December 2009: according to the Fourth Criminal Division, so as not to trigger the confiscation of the vehicle must be fully registered to a third party unconnected because cointestato imply that the offender uses means not just occasionally, and then if they retain the use could still use it in a way that constitutes danger.


Administration also ordered to pay the biological damage to the military ...

... affected by cancer after exposure to depleted uranium the military affected by cancer after being exposed to depleted uranium during missions abroad should also be compensated by the government of the biological damage. This was decided by the Tar of Campania, with 17,232 filed Aug. 5 ruling last year upheld the claim of a soldier who had developed thyroid cancer after working in Kosovo between 2000 and 2002. The man had filed a legal dense medical documentation that proves the dependence of his disease from exposure to depleted uranium during his stay in the Balkans, a radioactive substance contained in the weapons used by NATO forces during the Kosovo war of 1999. The soldier had received fair compensation for disability due to service, but not compensation for the biological damage suffered. The decision Naples is part of the Tar in the delicate matter of the so-called "Balkan syndrome", which saw dozens of soldiers involved in the conflict NATO ill of cancer linked to radiation exposure. The judges Campania, after repeating the claim are fully covered by the administrative courts, as the responsibility of the administration was "related to the breach of the obligation to protect the physical integrity and moral character of employees," they condemned the Ministry of Defence to compensate the damage suffered by the military biological.

Ilaria Piazza

How To Make A Costume Football Helmet

Warning: passing on the highway several times in the lanes without toll, can integrate the crime of fraudulent insolvency (art. 641 cp) Nothing

CRIMINAL COURT OF NOLA, Judgement of 23 June 2010.

user behavior that is introduced several times in passing in the special highway lanes reserved for "toll", without being provided with such means of electronic payment, supplementing the criminal case under Article. 641 cp of fraudulent insolvency.

Art 641 cp: fraudulent insolvency.
be objective, '"assumption of the obligation", "concealment of insolvency", "default".
Subjective element: general intent, represented by the knowledge of insolvency and volitional by the element, consisting of pre-ordained resolution not to comply - Transit in the special lanes "toll" without being fitted with electronic media: that the offense.

Follow this link to find the full sentence:

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the request for payment of interest charges of not preceded by notice of assessment

COURT cassation, Judgement No. 17613 of 28 July 2010. In the case of

folder of payment for non-payment of taxes, the claim is void of interest without prior notification of a notice of assessment. Indeed, "the DPR 600 of 1973, Art. 36a, must be interpreted that the cases indicated therein, in respect of which tax has enabled the Office to register the role of taxation, without the prior notification of the notice of assessment, must be considered mandatory and not subject to extension, as involving a compression defense rights of citizens and that among the cases provided in letters a) to e) of this article concerns are certainly not covered by the interest and surcharges. "
See also: