I primi giorni del mese, ho ripreso questa bella ed evanescente nebulosa ad emissione ai confini della costellazione del Perseo, la nebulosa è eccitata a splendera da una stella di 11° magnitudine avente spettro BO. L'immagine è stata eseguita nei pressi di Adrano CT a circa 800m di quota in località prato fiorito, con la CCD Orion StarShoot Pro DS Color al fuoco diretto di un rifrattore Takahashi Tsa 102 f8, su montatura Vixen Sphinx. Il risultato è la somma dei migliori 17 fotogrammi acquisiti da 10', visto che alcuni li ho dovuti scartare, a causa dell'arrivo del fumo dell'Etna, che mi ha fatto "sbandare" l'autoguida. L'elaborazione è stata eseguita con Maxim DL LE e Photoshop CS. Spero later to change the image, adding repeatedly placed in the channel H-Alpha.
Marcello AMARI
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Best Epilator For Legs
Who holds the phone soon to make a simple phone call does not commit embezzlement, but the crime of theft
Take the offense of theft ex art. 624 cp and not merely embezzlement from a person who subtracts the phone that the prorietario lent to make a phone call from his presence. The Court of Cassation, ruling with 6937, takes this opportunity to clarify the difference between the offenses of theft and appropriation misappropriation. The second - stress stoats - pursuant to art. Cp 646 can be configured when the object was given to a holder and within its own availability. In the case examined, there was no availability of good, since the phone "changed hands" the time necessary to enable people who asked to make a single call.
Supreme Court - Section II - decision of 26 January-23 February 2011 No 6937.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Fake Communtiy Hours Sheet
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
What Does Wella Level 6 Look Like?
The expulsion of illegal immigration can not be implemented if the youngest child will not receive damage
Supreme Court - Civil Section I - Case No. 3 February 2011 2647
The illegal immigrant can remain in Italy to care for infant son if the parent's return may cause serious harm to the child. This was confirmed by the first civil section of the 2647/2011 second ruling that the temporary permission to stay in Italy the family of the child, for serious reasons related to his psycho-physical development, not necessarily presupposes the existence of an emergency situation or exceptional circumstances. E 'enough, in fact, that may occur to give the child a concrete and effective given the age and health conditions explicable by the overall balance which certainly will result in the dismissal of the lower atmosphere. These situations, he stated la Corte, di non lunga durata e che non possono assumere carattere di stabilità.
Per ulteriori approfondimenti visualizza il testo della sentenza integrale .
Per ulteriori approfondimenti visualizza il testo della sentenza integrale .
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Red Mark On Ppenis Shaft
Vinile amore mio, parte della mia collezione
Ecco una piccola parte della mia collezione,
possiamo osservare un revox con braccio radiale.
Thorens TD 135 prodotto nella metà degli anni sessanta, ha ancora molto da dire
Thorens TD 135 trazione a puleggia, prossimamente arriverà anche sua eccellenza TD 124.
In basso vediamo un campione di storia più recente, il technics Sl 1210.
Eseguo riparazioni and restoration work on vintage turntables for any information do not hesitate to contact me on facebook.
Ecco una piccola parte della mia collezione,
possiamo osservare un revox con braccio radiale.
Thorens TD 135 prodotto nella metà degli anni sessanta, ha ancora molto da dire
Thorens TD 135 trazione a puleggia, prossimamente arriverà anche sua eccellenza TD 124.
In basso vediamo un campione di storia più recente, il technics Sl 1210.
Eseguo riparazioni and restoration work on vintage turntables for any information do not hesitate to contact me on facebook.
Candida Die Off Atkins
Friday, February 4, 2011
Looking For A Second Hand Treadmill In Bangalore
Infinity Love Concept
Infinity Love is inspired by c hinese culture , which considers the symbol of infinity ... the number 8 element of good luck Prosperity and
Infinity Love is inspired by c hinese culture , which considers the symbol of infinity ... the number 8 element of good luck Prosperity and
Infinity Love is inspired Chinese culture that cons Ider the symbol of infinity ... as the number 8 element of good luck and prosperity
Lutharan Church Membership Form
Lagoon Nebula
After Etna eruption and the bad weather that plagues the area for a long time, I decided to rework the Lagoon Nebula (M8), taken last summer, new ways of computing that I would allow a better control of image noise. Starting with the line and summed up with Maxim DL LE, I worked on the same Photoshop CS, creating forms where Departure manage stellar diameter, stretching and fondocielo. Once you have completed these images, I met and creating appropriate separate layers, I readjusted the stretching, saturation nebular, stellar saturation and contrast, where on the latter image, I also used a layer with high pass (although I prefer softer images). The result is a much "juice" with a very low noise, due to the many steps taken, because each layer cast properly adjust opacity. Finally on this copy I gave a very light denoise pass on those parts nebular devices, where the CCD used is less sensitive.
Marcello AMARI
After Etna eruption and the bad weather that plagues the area for a long time, I decided to rework the Lagoon Nebula (M8), taken last summer, new ways of computing that I would allow a better control of image noise. Starting with the line and summed up with Maxim DL LE, I worked on the same Photoshop CS, creating forms where Departure manage stellar diameter, stretching and fondocielo. Once you have completed these images, I met and creating appropriate separate layers, I readjusted the stretching, saturation nebular, stellar saturation and contrast, where on the latter image, I also used a layer with high pass (although I prefer softer images). The result is a much "juice" with a very low noise, due to the many steps taken, because each layer cast properly adjust opacity. Finally on this copy I gave a very light denoise pass on those parts nebular devices, where the CCD used is less sensitive.
Marcello AMARI
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