After Etna eruption and the bad weather that plagues the area for a long time, I decided to rework the Lagoon Nebula (M8), taken last summer, new ways of computing that I would allow a better control of image noise. Starting with the line and summed up with Maxim DL LE, I worked on the same Photoshop CS, creating forms where Departure manage stellar diameter, stretching and fondocielo. Once you have completed these images, I met and creating appropriate separate layers, I readjusted the stretching, saturation nebular, stellar saturation and contrast, where on the latter image, I also used a layer with high pass (although I prefer softer images). The result is a much "juice" with a very low noise, due to the many steps taken, because each layer cast properly adjust opacity. Finally on this copy I gave a very light denoise pass on those parts nebular devices, where the CCD used is less sensitive.
Marcello AMARI
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